11th Hour Challenge - HellStream ( One-Off Action-Horror Anime Style AudioDrama)
Leah Ryan for Erin
Erin is one of a select few people who venture out from the underground bunkers each night to battle the Demons who have taken over the earth surface, and who stream their fights back via a head mounted camera.
Likely age is somewhere in her twenties. Accent, race or geographical location isn't really important; this character could come from anywhere. It’s all about the performance.
Erin is proficient is all types of combat (Sword, Guns, Hand-To-Hand ect) Imagine her as a bad-ass type (ie, Ash Evil Dead-esque) when fighting, but also friendly chatty and warm to the fans watching her (imagine your favourite twitch streamers). I would need you to easily flit between these two styles/emotions in the recording. I need you to record the two different auditions lines so I can hear you'd be good at the chatting and an action scene (unless you already have clips that would demonstrate that ability)
As there are lots of fight scenes, I would need you to be able to record some foley to match the sound effects. Such as grunts as you’re throwing punches or swinging your sword and cries of pain as you’re being hit or bitten.
The script is around 20-25 minutes long, and your lead character would have around 10 minutes of dialogue within this. Do let me know if I can give you any more character information so you can give me the best audition you can!
Notes: This is read as if you're talking to your watchers on the stream. You're friendly and chatty, but still with the feeling that underneath that; you're a stone cold demon killing bad-ass.
ERIN: Tonight I’m going after a demon overlord I’ve heard about, so it’d help if I got some upgrades. Tell everyone you know, help me get those subscriber numbers up. Also remember; no back seat driving. Let me do my thing up here, okay?
Notes: We are in the middle of a demon fight. Erin is battling a monstrous demon hellhound (ie, a mutant dog). It is snapping with it's jaws at either side of her head.
ERIN: (Struggling) Use some god damn mouthwash will you; your breath stinks like hell!
Notes:Erin stabs the hellhound with her sword.
ERIN: (Angry, Pushing The Beast Back and Stabbing it) Arghhhh, Die!