Seniors Payday
Heidi Fischer for Margaret (Grannie thief)
the main protagonist of this film is a sassy little grandma who breaks into a bank. She puts on the frail woman's facade to get into the bank and drops it the moment she leaves. this part will require two unique tones of voice, a much more elderly frail voice, even a little senile, while the second she is sharp, focused, and having the time of her life, she is still old but her voice is much more confident, even a little smug, she has no doubt she will get away with this bank heist.
There will not be a lot of lines for this character, but rather more reactionary sounds, much like a game character, angry huffs, and noises of surprise as he runs around after the thief, so if your interest is in video game voice acting I'd love to see your reel and/or hear your audition lines!
[frail, old, slightly quivering voice, and ask the officer to repeat himself as you're hard of hearing] Hmm? What was that dear?
[much more confident, the quiver in the voice gone, instead, your voice is confident, smug] *laughter* surprise!
[a playful thoughtful hum as you consider how to get pass the officer, casual and confident]