The Life Of Kenley Mack
Richard Gibson for Benji Hokaido
An investigator ghost who first appears after Kenleys parents deaths, he was one of the first police officers to be killed by the killer when he gets too close in figuring out who that person is. He should sound serious and level headed when helping Kenley make decisions. He is mainly a father figure to him.
"The last thing I remember before i died was chasing the killer through a construction site, not really the best place to have a foot chase, it's my fault though I should have radioed for backup but I was too stubborn."
"Kenley don't blame yourself there was nothing you could have done, things happen all you can do is learn from it and move on. If we help each other then I'm sure we can catch this guy and get him locked behind bars for good."
"Well, I guess this is finally goodbye Kenley. You did it, you've solved the case, it's just too bad that you pushed him of the roof, no one could have survived that fall it's 5 stories up. Is there anything you want me to tell your parents for you? I mean I'm sure that their watching over you but I'm sure it would be nice hearing something from their beloved son."