Voice actor. If you are looking to have me on your project, please message me here on CCC.
itch.io Credits:
Please Don't Hate Christmas - rice love - Player's Boss
Dragon's Heart - Temers Studio - Cheng Industries Assistant & Male Soldier #5
Dragon's Heart (A Fantasy Adventure BL Visual Novel DEMO) by Temers Studio (itch.io)
March of the Emissaries - TotalLeeAwesome - Cultist 2 & Cultist 4
March of the Emissaries by TotalLeeAwesome, Sen, Kate, Monochrome Media
A Tropical Christmas - Temers Studio - Bebot
A Tropical Christmas by Temers Studio
Spotify Credits:
Murder Manor - Syndromedia - Ron's Father
Steam Credits:
Quest for the Golden Candelabra - Dawnsbury Studios - Tok'dar
Dawnsbury Days - Dawnsbury Studios - Tok'dar
Glass Heart: Retold - Eternal Love Studios - Meira's Father
YouTube Credits:
Fandub of Final Fantasy IX - Fractured Crystal Studios - Steiner
Danganronpa: No Hope - Its Sasa - Monobit
Legend of Dragoon Fandub - NogardDragN TV - Extras
FFVII Comic Dub - shin a - Zack & Barret
Final Fantasy Sonic X Remake - SM_714 Productions - Chocobos
Rayman Generations Comic Dub - SM_714 Productions - Rayman
Vagabondage - Magnaflash Animation - Eros & The Speedrunner
Final Fantasy XIV: The Dragonsong War In a Nutshell - RABtoons - "We Know"
Rayman V Trailer (Fadel Direct Submission) - SM_714 Productions - Rayman
wynaut feel regret - GabaLeth - Ralts
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair Ultimate Fandub - MariSkyVA - Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
Silent Hill: Homecoming In a Nutshell - RABtoons - "Same Game Again" Backup Vocals
Final Fantasy Sonic X Remake: The Story So Far - SM_714 Productions - Chocobos & Rayman
Berserk The Animated Manga - Eclipse Films - Random Thug & Random Demons
Lessons with Final Fantasy VI - K-S Audio - Kefka & Audience Member
Fairy Tail Manga Dub - DeepVoiceVA - Plue
Final Fantasy IV: The After Years Fandub - JoDaSpec - Tsukinowa, Sailor, Eblan Soldier
Linked Universe Comic Dub - shin a - Sky
Belladonna: Nightshade Academy - Mel Torrefranca - Martu Konya
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days Manga Dub - Shatters of Light - Pence
Final Fantasy Tactics In a Nutshell Part 2 - RABtoons - Ninja & Priest
Pokémon Abridged: FireRed & LeafGreen - Pokémon Abridged - Hartman, Magikarp Salesman, Jes, Giovanni, Gavin, & Ivan
Final Fantasy V Fandub - Hungry Fandub Productions - Bartz, Boko, & Garula
What. Comic Dub - Dylan William van de Wal - Handsome Husband Bear
Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood In a Nutshell Part 1 - RABtoons - Imperial Officer, Shiphand, & Isse
The World Ends with You Manga Dub - SM_714 Productions - Koki Kariya, Tosai "Fret" Furesawa, Shiba Miyakaze, Kaichi "Susukichi" Susuki, & Motoi Anazawa
Linked Universe Comic Series - shin a - Sky & Postman
Chrono Trigger In a Nutshell - RABtoons - Soldier, Masa, & Mune
Kingdom Hearts 2 Manga Dub - SM_714 Productions - Vexen & Yao
Yu-Gi-Oh Duelist Manga Dub - SM_714 Productions - Ryo Bakura
CLOTI comic dub compliation - shin a - Johnny
Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood In a Nutshell Part 2 - RABtoons - Game of Thrones Writer, Random Player 1, & Ala Mhigo Singer
Luigi's Coin Mario & Luigi Comic Dub - Dylan William van de Wal - Mario
Parasite Eve In a Nutshell - RABtoons - Ben Dollis, Admiral Phelps, & Mayor Ebert
Danganronpa: Distorted Reality - Danganronpa Distorted Reality - Monokuma
The Winner Takes It All - eyyypplsMSP - Marcus
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII In a Nutshell - RABtoons - Dajh & Sentry 1
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Manga Dub - SM_714 Productions - Eria
Paper Mario: Rise of Voldemort - Jsaking11 - Harry Potter, The Nostaligia Critic, & F.I.G.M.E.N.T.
Tales from the Janitor Maryland Urban Legends - Bone13 - Sergeant & Policeman
Tales from the Janitor Massachusetts Urban Legends - Bone13 - Tony
Silent Hill: Downpour In a Nutshell - RABtoons - Hungry Prisoner, Weeping Bat, & Downpour Chorus Singer
Tales from the Janitor Montana Urban Legends - Bone13 - Levi
Traitor - Charmer Animations - Mike Andrel
A Cold and Heartless Lullaby Chapter 21 - Christopher Coles - Reverant Hoard
PLAY MAKERS WebToon Dub - SM_714 Productions - Additional Voices
Other Credits:
Pokémon: The First Movie Fandub - Skul - Giovanni & Random Scientist