The Riven Vigilantes Audio Drama
Chuck Pons for Narrator
Payment Amount - Please Note - The payment amount will vary. There are only a few lines in Chapter 1. Payment will be scaled based on the number of lines each character has for the chapters they are in.
The Narrator will have the highest word count in this story and will be needed for each chapter of the audio drama. Pay will be on a per chapter basis and will slightly vary based on word count. Narrator needs to be a strong actor, being able to set the tone of the story and change their tone/pacing based on the scene and characters present in it.
Below, you'll find a list of key qualities we'll look for in a narrator:
- Clear Articulation and Pronunciation
- Ability to Control Emotions
- Ability to Adapt Voice/Tone/Pacing based on Scene
- Expressive
- Instinctive Pausing
The last rays of light faded over the horizon as the sun set on Riven City. The sunlight serves as a veil for Riven, masking its true form behind a blinding façade. Once the dim streetlights flicker to life, that’s when its true face is revealed.
The panicked voice served as the spark to ignite a raging fire within Reece’s heart. Adrenaline coursed through his veins and he now felt lighter than ever.
Suddenly, the thug on his right tossed the crowbar aside and barreled toward him, arms extended wide to tackle and pin Reece to the ground. Squatting low, he turned toward the man just as the Hell Boy was about to grab him. Using his left hand to grip the punk’s wrist, he then pulled the thug closer, thrusting his right palm into the man’s gut, piercing through his abdominal muscles, knocking the wind right out of him.