High Guardian Spice Abridged
10pt for Caraway

A Trans Male teacher for the class of Dark arts, And is the advisor for the GSA IN High Guardian Academy. He's like that really cool substitute teacher but is your real teacher
Here's an example of their original VA: https://youtu.be/Dkjxw4BqVwc
We're very much welcoming any trans individuals to voice him!
Disclaimer: These are not the final lines
1. Please have clean audio! NO BACKGROUND NOISE! (use blankets sheets or whatever you can to get it!)
2. Please use Mic Distance rule! Try not to peak in your audition! (The distance from the tip of your pinky to the tip of your thumb is about the distance your mouth should be from the mic )
3. Demo Reels are accepted but please still do the lines! submit them with your audition!
4. Give as much life as you can into your lines and as much variety as possible! (All the lines should sound different to each other)
(Happy) [You finally meet your long lost friend's daughter after so long]
"It’s nice to finally meet you outside of Lavender’s words."
(Wise and Studious) [You're teaching the class about the complexities of runes]
"That’s fine, let’s continue class. So! The mystery of geebo has a long, deep history. The first geebo artifact was found in Witch Country during a lull in tensions that lasted long enough for Dwarven archeologists to obtain a permit to diggy hole. Once brought back to Scarbourough, most magical scholars agreed that it once held a rune. Some theorists say greebo could be one of the lost runes of the Beyblade alphabet."
(Sincere and Empathetic) [You as Trans Male watch as a student of yours struggles with his identity and doesn't know how to approach or even understand his issues. You remind him that you dealt with the same thing and it lead to the biggest change in your life.]
"Snap, You see that girl in that photo...That used to be me...I used to feel like the way I was as a girl didn't define who I really wanted to be...So I started slowly wanting to be a guy... and it later showed me a drastic Transformation spell... It would change my life forever, I knew the risks and the way that people would view me...And yet I knew to deal with all that I can truly be happy with myself...So I did it...And it made me who I am today."

Forgot to add my discord tag on for ease of contact 10pt#9931 Any comments on any of my submissions would be nice as I'm new to this.