RWBY Volume 4 Abridged
Nathan Smith for Jaune Arc
Jaune is going to be pretty similar to his original character. He's going to be a bit oblivious and stupid, but otherwise the same. I'm probably going to stick a bit to past the few volumes and make him a bit of dweeb, who tries but just isn't as strong or smart as his teammates.
[ 1 ] I'm tired of being the lovable idiot, stuck in the tree while his friends fight for their lives! Don't you understand? If I can't do this on my own... then what good am I?
[ 2 ] Oh yeah! I've been camping. Actually, I was a camp counsellor. (haha, i'm so funny ;)
[ 3 ] It doesn't care about it's body... But it's protecting it's face... Guys! I have a plan! We hit it... harder!
[ 4 ] It's not like he's only a jerk to me, he's a jerk to everyone.
[ 5 ] (Please include a small reel of efforts. Please include grunting, yelling, and general sounds you'd make when fighting.)