Swift Spark and the Defense Five: Pilot
Joseph David Spence for Music Magician
THE URGENCY FOR THIS ROLE IS KICKSTARTER-DEPENDENT. I have collected enough funds to pay for the voice acting, but the rest of the pilot is funding-dependent. If the Kickstarter is unsuccessful, it might be a while until you hear back as I will have to gather funds through freelancing work.
The storyboards for the first half of the pilot have been completed and we're well on the way to completing the cast, so I figured I put up auditions/applications for the other roles.
Swift Spark and the Defense Five is an action-comedy. Initially, we're looking for a composer for the first 11 minutes of the pilot, but would like you to be available for the full 22-minute pilot in the future.
Animated series you could look at for reference as to what kind of soundtrack I'm looking for:
Danny Phantom
Spider-Man (2017)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Series (2012)
Say something you think would fit