Memento Viviere
Matthew Ewald for Detective Leonard Miller
A gruff and grizzled detective at his wit's end to get answers for this vehicular accident.
I see that… Well, anyway, sorry to barge in so suddenly. But I got a case that, due to the urgency of the situation, I really need an expert medical examiner’s opinion on.
Don’t get me wrong, I’d rather take this down to my guy at the station, but like I said it’s urgent and you’re a lot closer to the scene than the station is.
I mean…it’s possible. But if we did, it would probably be back-logged somewhere in a physical box. We’re workin’ on goin’ digital but it’s takin’ a minute with our old ass system and the city government is too damn cheap to—
We’ve all got bad shit that we go through for one reason or another. Sometimes we lose people, people we really care about. I guess what I’m trying to say is that we can’t just let our lives die with them. I don’t think that’s what they would want.