My Amazing Woman, S02E02
Helen Irwin for Adrienne Walker (Amazing Woman's mother)
Adrienne is concerned with status and appearances, adores her son-in-law because he's a lawyer, but is disappointed in her daughter because she's a ride share driver. Adrienne hasn't had to work, but very much wanted to. Her marriage has had ups and downs and is conflict-habituated. At times, she carries herself more like she's in competition with her daughter. She can be a bit pushy and oblivious.
(braggadocious and vain) I was going to make my corn casserole. Trevor loves it, you know.
(defensive and justifying) I earned those trips putting up with your father all these years. Besides, I was going to be a career woman until something happened.
(telling about her life while ostensibly giving advice to her daughter) Okay. But if I may give you one piece of unsolicited advice-- (a beat) Don’t keep secrets from him.