Doctor Whooves - Living Legacy (Recast) 2

Hanne Eden for Derpy Hooves

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Derpy Hooves
Role assigned to: 1SpecialChicken

Voice Type: Click here to hear the voice type we are looking for in this role.

Derpy Hooves is one of the oldest friends of the Doctor, having known him during his first life, and long before anyone knew about his true nature. She is an endlessly optimistic and cheerful individual. In her normal life, she is a mailmare, delivering parcels and packages to wherever they need to be delivered, and it is all done with a wide grin and brightly shining eyes.

Her outward optimism and enthusiasm is deeply contrasted by layers of personal insecurity and anxieties that haunt her day in and out. These are largely a result of the lazy eye she developed when she was younger. She does not take it well when she is bullied or pushed around, but is always willing to leap to the defense of those who are already being picked on.

She is also troubled by the Doctor's true nature, as it had been kept a secret even from her. It left her feeling unsure of her relationship with the pony-turned-Time Lord, resulting in her deciding not to join the TARDIS crew at first. She eventually decides to join them in Episodes 7 and 8, however, wanting to rebuild her relationship with the Doctor, and face her fears head-on.

If Lyra is the group's drive, and Bon Bon is the group's courage, then Derpy is the group's soul. She is also remarkably insightful and perceptive, often noticing things nobody else does, and making little connections in the back of her head. Her intuition is second to none, as is her ability to bring a smile to the faces of those present.

  • (You are asking to come along on a trip in the TARDIS. You are anxious and a little jittery about it, but resolute. Also a touch solemn about the fact your best friend has changed so much from the person you knew.)

    For one trip, anyway! I just… (Solemn again) I should give you a chance, shouldn’t I? A chance to prove that, even with that new voice and face and personality, you’re still the Tick Tock I got to know. That you’re still the same pony under all of that… new stuff. Does that make sense?

  • (You just saw your friend hurting on the ground, and in an effort to help, you grabbed him and got teleported somewhere strange and abstract. But hey, you're with your friend now, and he isn't hurting anymore.)

    You were hurting. It… It scared me! So I just grabbed on and… How did I get here?

  • (You just saw your best friend stepping through a door with an octopus on his head. You haven't seen him in three months. Understandably, you are confused.)

    Uh… hi, Doc. Why are you wearing an… octopus on your head?

Hanne Eden
Doctor Whooves - Living Legacy (Recast) 2
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