"Road X" Podcast (PAID project)
Joseph David Spence for Patrick Clark

Anyone with an adult male presenting voice can apply. LGBT actors highly encouraged.
Patrick Clark (he/him)
Patrick Clark is a man of presence. He has a stern voice and a strict attitude, but behind his grumpy outsides, he's quite a considerate guy. He means well.
Patrick is the rugged mentor type, and as all rugged mentors, his life hasn't been kind to him: he lost his wife five years ago, and he didn't take it very well. His son, Dean, who used to be quite a sweet child, grew up to distance himself as much as possible from his father. And so, Patrick feels isolated in the middle of his home, and doesn't really know how to fight against the feeling that maybe all of this happened for a reason.
{ Patrick is Ashley's cousin and will have an important role starting mid-season one}
[ Patrick has been up all night waiting for his son, who's late past curfew. He hears someone try to open the door, and realizes it's him. ]
Patrick opens the door just to see Dean on the other side.
... Dean? Where were you--?
Out. Look, I know it's late. I'm going to my room, we can talk about this tomorrow.
Dean tries to enter the house, but Patrick stops him.
You don't answer my texts. I call you, you pick up, then you hang up on me. Twice. And now you're here at-- fuck, what time is it?DEAN
Late, like I said. Can I come in, or are you going to let me rot in the rain?
(Emphasis in every word)
Where. Were. You?
(Snapping back, same tome)
It. Doesn't. Matter.
Kid, it does, okay? You were ignoring me. I was--
What, worried? Well that's rich.
Patrick takes a deep breath. He was.
Get in. Shower before bed, you're dripping wet.
Don't fucking tell me what to do.[ Before the accident, Patricks talks to his wife about their son ]
(soft spoken)
How are you feeling? Are you cold, need me to bring you an extra blanket?NICOLE
Darling, I'm okay, don't worry.
Right, sorry. Wanted to make sure you're comfortable.
Patrick sits down on the bed next to her, and they both fall into silence. After a second or two, he sighs.
Daniel left the house yelling at Dean yesterday. I don't know what happened, but for what I could tell, Dean really pissed him off.
Daniel? But they've been friends since forever.
I tried asking what was wrong, but I only got the cold shoulder. Again.
I don't know if I should be worried. He's talking to less and less of his friends, he's been pretty to himself lately. On the other hand, he's been talking to Ashley a lot. Lorena's told me that he keeps visiting her every once in a while. Honestly, I thought that he didn't really liked his cousin. I'm worried about him.