Isekai Visual Novel (Coffee Bunny Games)
Hawke's Howl for Shark Guy (Name to be given later)

Age: (unknown) appears to be late 20's
Voice: Gruff, on edge always itching for a fight. A villain, but also sticks up for his friends when he has to.
Voice ideas: older version of bakugo from my hero or inuyasha/koga
Note: Not too deep. Looking for more an inuyasha-esc level.give him a bit of a younger twinge to it. like he's in his mid-late 20's. Don't make him super gruff and/or old
You asked that an hour ago and I'll tell you the same thing i told you then. NO! it'll be done when it's done!
(You're saying this to one of your fellow comrades who's asking you an annoying question. She's like your family, but annoying)And who the hell asked you, you bitch? What? You wanna fight?
(This is you just being your normal antagonizing self)Well..that's stupid. why would anyone want to say something like THAT?
(This is you being flustered and kind of embarrassed but also trying to save face)