Thu10AMET;Thu730PMET Session 3
Marcel Howard Jr. for Role
Full details of homework is on Closing Credits

This is so good! You sound like a sports commentator. Awesome job!

This is great! The energy is perfect and feels like you're truly watching these matches.

You did a great job here! Loved the performance. Articulation seems great to me, you have a solid pacing and articulation that work together to achieve that strong clarity I'm looking for. The way you increase the energy with the "exciting" parts of the performance is so fun, definitely keep that up going forward! To be honest, there isn't much to critique here. I would say perhaps you could have taken just a BIT more time to pronounce your words slightly clearer, but overall, that's just nitpicking and I wouldn't be too concerned about it. Just keep practicing your projection and articulation while honing that edge of fun and passion you brought here. Great job!