Super Paper Mario Fan Dub

Jsaking11 for Luigi/Mr. L

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Luigi/Mr. L
Role assigned to: Jsaking11

Mario's beloved brother. Less famous than his other half, but just as willing to save the day. He is one of the four heroes prophesied in the Light Prognosticus. A charming combination of cheery, timid, and ambitious. Mr. L is Luigi under the influence of the Chaos Heart, and subservient creation of Dimentio. He is a sly, aggressive, and snarky contrast to the normally wholesome Luigi.

Luigi should sound like any sound byte or dialogue of traditional Luigi you've heard before. Bright, thick Italian accent, medium pitched. He is usually the timider of the heroes but shows courage at times throughout the story. Mr. L should sound the same as Luigi but lines should be delivered more devilishly and snarkily, since, well, he's evil Luigi.

  • -  [Headstrong due to the circumstances, contrast to the normally cowardly Luigi.] "Oh, no! I don't give my name to scoundrels! Just watch as Luigi punishes you for your badness! HERE I GO!"  

    -  [A little peppy, always encouraging of MARIO.] "You know my bro always bounces back! Like me! I bounce, too!"  

    -  [Confused, as they have just gone to the Underwhere and haven't found an escape. A little nervous.] "Huh? What in the… Hey! Wait, this is the Underwhere! We just came from here!"  

    -  [PEACH is currently asleep and the heroes cannot figure out a way to awake her. LUIGI is nervous, but has an idea.] "W-Well, we've gotta do SOMEthing! Let's go find any kind of fruit we can!"


    -  [Egotistical and a little theatrical. This is his introduction to the heroes.] "Oh, me? Just one of Count Bleck's more promising minions. The Green Thunder... dramatic pause MR. L!"  

    -  [In a minion meeting in Castle Bleck. Insulting to everyone else present. Once again egotistical, as if he likes insulting them to make himself feel better.] "Mmm. Can't say I'm impressed by the minion quality... No, indeed. No wonder you've been trounced up to now. You're like JUNIOR minions."  

    -  [Catching onto the fact that Dimentio is hinting at surprising the heroes with a sneak attack that Count Bleck didn't order them to do. He is being fake slick about it. Think "I left my oven on" sort of excuse.] "Yeaaah... Yeah. I've, to go deflavorize the Brobot's uh... Flavorizer. I'll return once everything's up to code. L-ater, Dimentio."

Super Paper Mario Fan Dub

Way to go, this actually sounds pretty like him.

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