IzziVoices for Masaru Yohiro

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Masaru Yohiro
Paid: Flat Rate 30 USD
Role assigned to: soluri

Masaru is a nervous, shy and insecure lion. In ep 1 he needs a child voice, and since ep 3 he needs a young teen voice, as time pass in the series and the characters grow up.

  • Masaru: (Happy) Awesome! When will they come? Will they be more than one? Is it a little brother or sister?

    Masaru: (Confused) Hm, that’s weird. She never runs away from me. (Normal, a little shy) Anyway, since then, she and I have got quite close, and, well... I-I don’t know how to explain it… uuuuhhmm…

    Masaru: (Nervous) Oh! Well, I was… walking alone, completely alone--in the bushes!--ALONE!... and then I stumbled over uhhh--a stone!

    Masaru: (Worried) Oh my gosh. Saymon’s acting like an untamed brat!

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