Court Jester Productions: Character Designs
Vermz for The Los Animales Chronicles
Genre: Mystery, Noir, Drama
Story: The year is 1934, the city is Los Animales, Calico-fornia. Kurt Lynx is a Tabby cat private investigator who sees the world in black and white. One day, he crosses paths with an upbeat, energetic squirrel named Abby Gray. Turns out she's his biggest fan and has always wanted to work with him and maybe be his partner. At first, he rejects her and pushes her away, due to his last partner passing away while they were on a case. However, after seeing how skilled she is at spotting a lie as well as having an eye for details that somehow went over his radar, he decides she might be handy in his line of work after all. So now, the two take on cases throughout the city, bringing those who have done wrong to justice. What these two don't know is there might be more to these crimes than they think...
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