omnidapt for Troy
Use the voice of Koujaku from the anime DRAMAtical Murder (David Matranga)
(Right click)
21 years old.
- Famous rock star; singer and guitarist of the band Sons of Apollo.
- Confident, charismatic.
- Comes off as arrogant but is actually supportive, caring amd protective.
- Really cares cabout Ashley, the female lead
(Quietly, internally)
“Life fast, die young.” That's the motto of the ROck N' Roll lifestyle. It doesn't get much younger than 21. But's who I am.
My room's down the hall. If you need anything give me a call.
Or maybe I could come to your room.
(Softly, gently)
You're not like girls I've been with. You're not looking for a one night stand with a rock star. You're sweet and innocent. I don't want to ruin that.
Congratulations! I would like to cast you as Troy! Here is a link to the screenplay: His lines are in red. Here's the link to join the Discord server. My Discord ID is JT424 After you record the lines for each episode, save and download the audio files and put them in the upload-files text channel. I want everyone to do their roles one chapter at a time. Also, I know I said the same voice actor would do Troy's speaking lines and singing, but I may have found someone else to do the singing. I'll let you know if they don't do it. Just in case, look over the lyrics in the screenplay. Either you or the other voice actor would be singing the whole song. Also, here is an instrumental cover I found on YouTube. You would be singing over it. Thanks again! :)