Artifact Escape: Episode 1 (Animated Series)
Leo_Lye for Santiago Matterhorn (38)
> Friendly, Dominant, Dedicated & Objective
> Mexican
> Build/Frame: Average
> Height: 5'10
> Weight: 155lbs
> High-status employee within a prominent technology company. Husband & father to a wife and teen boy.
Context: Santiago is offering an escapist team a task essential to his companies objectives
Synthian, Alexander, Mark & Cien. I've taken note of your team's many noteworthy successes. I have an important task for you all, care to hear it?
Context: Onboarding another escapist into the AEP (Artifact-Escape Program)
Evening, Lucian. Welcome to the Artifact-Escape program. I am Santiago and I will be supervising you. We expect great results from you.
Context: Santiago confronting the company founder about recent developments
Ios, it seems Dilecti are growing increasingly dependent on us. I assume you are allowing this, so we can further our relation? Apologies for prying, I just need to ensure I'm acting in proper alignment with our goals.
- Dilecti: Die-Lec-Tea