Story Channel voice over - AITA
JTGJones for Story voice actor
Looking for someone with a calming but not dull voice. Got to be enjoyable to listen to for 20 minutes.
AITA for making a coworker cry and not dealing with the situation better.
Im (29f) 27weeks pregnant and it has taken many attempts and losses to make it this far. In general I’m a non-touch person outside of my partner, nieces and nephews. I work with a lady who does not respect this boundary despite physically telling her numerous times I don’t like to be touched she will always find a way to encroach on my space( she does this with a few others it’s not a creep thing). During discussion with a girl we work with before her mat leave I verbally communicated that I would not be someone whose belly should be touched should i become pregnant. I have also physically moved myself away from her when she has disrespected my space boundary, and have politely asked her to stop.
Despite trying my partner has not had the chance to feel our baby move and I feel that, that is a special moment for us and he should be the first to experience it.
However today was not the first time she touched my belly but still I snapped and in an angry fashion told her off for touching my belly and potentially ruining something that meant a lot to me if she had stolen that experience. There was a lot of other stuff said and she said that he should have felt it so why couldn’t she. I told her that what she has done is basically assault and started yelling to the point she started crying and I just walked away.