The Sales-Off (Animated Short Film) Voice Talent Needed!
Winn Manning for Mr. Watterson

Mr. Watterson is the manager over the sales office. He is torn between two sides: on one side, he genuinely cares about his employees and wants them to enjoy work; on the other, the boss expects higher and higher sales numbers out of them or else Watterson loses his job. He is a goofy guy, but also can be dramatic.
You know, Vincent, when I was a boy, I used to go fishing with my dad. He always told the craziest stories. I never believed them of course, I was smarter than that.
(Acting like a "tough boss" as he corrects Jake) This behavior needs to end immediately, or I'll have no choice but to write you up! No...fired! You're getting fired!
Ah, Vincent? Very hard worker that one. Well, I only hire the best! Wait...did you say he's "single-handedly saving the company"?