League of Legends - Narrated Story (Arcade Miss Fortune)
Wyatt Henry for Narrator
The narrator for the story can be any gender and have any accent, but they must have a clear, easy to understand voice.
She loved saying that. “Keep the change.” It let others know just how many points she had, just how good she really was. And she most certainly was good.
She pulled out a roll of paper from seemingly nowhere, a trick inhabitants of Arcadia all seemed to know. Unfurling it revealed a drawn picture of a raccoon’s head, though it appeared just slightly more humanoid than a typical animal’s; its expression, at the very least, was one of utter contempt and very reminiscent of the look many of her targets had given her before she took them in.
While she waited for Garit to return, Miss Fortune wandered the general area, defeating any monsters she came across with ease. Her guns now better than ever, the weak creatures that called this area home stood absolutely no chance.