The Sales-Off (Animated Short Film) Voice Talent Needed!
Marcel Howard Jr. for The "Assistant"

The "Assistant" is a higher-up sent in by the sales company's boss to inspect Mr. Watterson and his employees. He has a commanding, ominous aura, yet smiles and speaks in an off-putting, almost sarcastically cheery voice.
The boss has made his decision!!! He is sending me to evaluate you and your workers, personally. I will determine where the problem lies. Pray it is not with you.
Just forget about all of those little...distractions that keep you from working at your full potential. Those passions and dreams, let them die for a time, only for a time.

Wouldn't be surprised if you got casted for literally every role in this project, man. You sound fantastic

Lmao, thank you Siren, that means a lot. Maybe my practice is paying off? :D

Apologies, this one is 4 takes!

BRO, CRISP. CRISP CRISPY. I hope you get this one man