Genshin Impact Comic Dubs - Just for Fun!
Pearlea for Yanfei
Please refer to this video for Yanfei's vocal characteristics:
My name is Yanfei, top legal expert in Liyue — and for the avoidance of doubt, no one else comes close! From commercial litigation, to civil mediation, to criminal lawsuits, I'm fully versed in every area of the law, and I guarantee you a swift and satisfactory conclusion to your case! My contact details... Where should I write this down? ...Hmm, paper will just get lost, and it'll only rub off if I write it on the back of your hand, so... Aha! I know, I'll just write it here, on the clothes of this... whatever this thing is that follows you around.
I'll remind you again: The law can be both a help and a hindrance.
What the... What kind of injurious weather is this!? It's c—cold... Achoo...
congrats, you have been cast as the main va for this role! please join the discord here if you have not already: