[CLOSED] When Tower Angels Fall | Dystopian Podcast Series
BluesAngelxD for Oscar

Mid to late 20’s. Empathetic. Articulate. Passionate.
Newcomer to the rig. He wants desperately to see the good in people, even if it gets him into trouble. He sees the oil rig as a ray of hope: somewhere to start again. Is the sole carer for his twin sister, Ophelia, and would put her wellbeing above anything. In the grand scheme, he’s really quite naïve, but what will it take to break him out of it?
Voice type: smooth, medium pitch, any accent.
[distressed, stumbling, pleading]
For the last time, we found it! It was on the shore, I swear it was just there! Little green boat, just caught up in some rocks -- Ophelia, it’s -- look, I’m gonna sort it, I swear!
[angry, mocking, rising to an argument]
Oh, I don’t know the first thing, do I? Okay, so, enlighten me. Y’know, for someone who chats so much shit, I’d hate for you to go quiet now![thoughtful, a little lost; trying to piece things together in his head]
You ever been in love? (beat) ‘Cause I haven’t. Not sure it’s something I’d even be good at, but isn’t that what people are meant for? Finding love…? So have… you…? I mean… (clears throat, embarrassed) Sorry.
[with serious conviction; his last resort to convince the rig to let him stay]
Everything everywhere is wrong. And it’s always about money, about power, sex, while they shit on the planet and set it on fire with guns and police brutality. Food’s running out – oil, water, jobs, freedom! Some of the last trees are dying, and bees are being replaced by fucking robots. The Four Horsemen are everywhere, and they’ve got their fingers glued to the nuclear button.