World of Warcraft - Voices for My D&D Game - Session 2
Syngir for King Varian Wrynn

King Varian Wrynn is the king of Stormwind and the leader of the Alliance. He is currently split in two, a weak version and a strong willed version. (same voice, just characteristically/tonally different). The strong willed is version is a confident warrior with untold strength. The weak version, is meek, easily controlled.
[Strong willed version regaining some of his memories, after winning a gladiatorial fight] Varian... The name sounds familiar. Lo'gosh is all I have known for months now. I do remember a son, a distant memory. Adrian? No... Andiun! My golden little lion... Come then, let us ride. Remind me of my history so that I can once again become the King you proclaim that I am.
[Weak version, talking to his advisor who he is in love with due to her spell] Katrana please, come and sit beside me. I cannot bare another second without you. This group of adventurers can be dealt with later.
[After he is longer split. Confident, angry and powerful] Onyxia!! You shall pay for all you have done! [Charges in] FOR THE ALLAINCE!

Good read, but it sounds to me like you are peaking constantly: you can see the flat tops/bottoms of the sounds.