The End of the Line: New Age Vertical Slice
Joseph David Spence for Schrodinger
Schrodinger is a mysterious 4 eyed cat who leads The Conductor on their journey to the End of the Line. Fickle, cynical, and sometimes mean-spirited Schrodinger constantly whispers in the Conductors ear guiding them through their journey. As a mysterious talking cat Schrodinger may know more than he is letting on. Schrodinger is the lead role in both the vertical slice and the game at large.
He is calm and well-spoken. He has a trickster vibe, speaking with a deep confident voice. He should feel like the devil whispering in your ear, someone you feel you can trust, but can you?
We are interesting in exploring either a North American or British(English) accent for Schrodinger.
Schrodinger has ~126 lines currently.
Similar to:
Cheshire Cat (Alice In Wonderland Live Action) The Cat (Coraline) Stolas (Helluva Boss)
My true name is beyond the capabilities of your feeble human tongue
Like a spark in a sea of darkness, he glimpsed this truth, if only for a single moment.
What of your friends? Would you like to watch them shrivel and die as everything around you falls to ruin?