Persona: The Fan Series
MynNēe for Ichika Nukishimi
A beautiful and skilled figure skater in her early to mid-twenties from Yamato increasing in popularity due to both her abilities and natural beauty, Ichika Nukushimi is shown in all her interviews to be this beautiful, kind-hearted, and hard-working woman. Unfortunately, her newfound fame, along with her parent’s pushing her to be “perfect” has taken a toll on her, and by the time the group meets her, she is broken and scared.
(Responding to interview question) Of course! You know, it’s hard work, but I do my best. I put all my effort in, my parents always said, “anything less than first is a failure”, so I put all my effort into my skating ability!
(Darkened, Distressed) People look at me and think I’m this goddess. Little do they know, the only reason I act that way is because I’m not allowed to be human, my job is to sit there and smile, pretend everything’s fine.
(Distressed, yelling) Don’t you get it?! If I go against this image, this beautiful, godlike character that’s been created, I lose everything! People will see me as a liar, and turn me into a monster, simply because they don’t accept who I really am!