[CLOSED] When Tower Angels Fall | Dystopian Podcast Series
DarkMatter VAs for Amherst

50s-60s. Controlled. Authoritative. Cold.
The enigmatic yet imperious director of the Institute within which Ksenia and Amos are investigating. Ruthless and unattached sociopathy lie inches beneath a refined and level-headed exterior; a side he only truly shows with those he sees as equally heartless, or those very soon to meet with their end. He does, however, have a weakness where his children are concerned – just not in the way you would hope…
Voice type: medium-low pitch, any accent. He speaks swiftly and with calculation, very much a no-nonsense type. Despite this, he’s capable of switching on a smooth charm… which is where he is most truly frightening.
[cold, domineering, with a hint of disgust]
Do not allow your obsession for superiority to cloud a universal judgement. Ideas are more powerful than anything, which is how this all began. Some inscrutable persuasion that ‘freedom’ might just be possible, and then the actual defiance to enact it - and here we are, years later, still corralling the damages.
[stern yet smooth]
No amount of history together saves you from the fall if you don’t find your feet again. I will not sour my reputation at this Institute to save anyone - not even you.
[cold, irritable, authoritative]
Did I give you permission to continue? (Beat, choosing his words) Nothing changes. He’s no different to you, should the time come. (Beat, softening) I don’t doubt you resent that.