Paranormal Detective Series: The Echs Files - Ep 1
Erin Culpepper for Carol
Carol Echs (pronounced ‘Ex’) is a down-on-her-luck Private Investigator in her late twenties. She's educated, confident, cynical and quick-witted. She can be sassy and bright-sounding when talking to others, but not so much in her monologues.
[monologue] The kind of dough Templeton was waving in front of my face doesn't come around so often. But the stakes were high for a good reason. Harry was right about most of the meteorite girls winding up in the big house or getting iced.
[resigned] Tough life, Harry. You have no idea what I have to do to make a lousy buck in this town. [Takes a swallow of drink, sighs.] I've been up for forty hours straight, tailing a cheating husband. Guy's banging this girl in the back room of a laundrette. Poor bastard doesn't know his wife's going to be taking him to the cleaners in a whole different way... She's going to be set for life and rid of the bum. And all I get is enough dough to cover a few days' rent.
[amused] I just told him to hit the- [sudden realisation] Oh my god! The golden voice! The spark! When she touched me! [amazement] I've got her power!