[CLOSED] When Tower Angels Fall | Dystopian Podcast Series
obituan for Officer Kendall

40s – 50s. Wry. Straight-forward. Cold.
Officer of the newly heavily empowered police force, and easily swayed by bribes. The epitome of ‘pig,’ he’s in uniform for the power it makes him feel. Finds it easy to charm people who want to be, and even easier to intimidate those who don’t.
Voice type: medium-low pitch, any accent – though preferably American – gravelly and perhaps with a bit of a drawl.
[weary but still heavy with authority]
Christ, Gray, just get him in the back. You – let her go. And you – here – now.
[cold, dry, definitely enjoying himself]
You have the right to remain silent. (They try talking back and his pace quickens) Meaning shut the fuck up, please, little girl, or the next time we catch you I’ll make sure your uncle can’t pay you the fuck back out again, do I make myself clear? (Beat.) Well done – we’re learning.
[low, threatening, but with the air of casual conversation that gives him plausible deniability]
Man like yourself walks alone, 3am, no lights, with a big old case on his back; could be anything. Man I know I seen before… My profession, that’s a little warning light, don’t you think?