Fire Emblem: Affinities (Chapters 1 & 2)

Xander the Vyce for Gaius

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Xander the Vyce

Gaius is a former thief who now runs a shop with Raphael, who gave Gaius a chance to leave his old life behind. He is also a bit of a flirt, especially with Kirie. Has a carefree nature and gets scolded more often than he'd like for it. 

My idea of this character and voice is largely borrowed from the character that shares his name from Fire Emblem Awakening, the one and only Gaius. His English VA is Ray Chase.

  • (sighs) I can sit here all day... Too bad the old man won't let me. If ya ask me, he's missin' out!

  • (Brushing off a concern)

    Don't worry about it, this one's on the house!

  • (Flirting)

    Careful, now. I just might steal your heart.

Xander the Vyce
Fire Emblem: Affinities (Chapters 1 & 2)

This is really good!

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