RWBY: REMNANTS Casting Wave 3 || Looking for VAs, Musicians and Artist!

Achilles Reel for James Ironwood

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
James Ironwood
Role assigned to: Crit_Magnet

Reference Images: [1]

Voice Reference: [1] - [2]

Description: General James Ironwood is a veteran military man who is a close ally of the Headmaster of Beacon Academy, and commander of possibly the largest airship fleet in the world. He is a man of strong convictions and is not afraid to make tough decisions for the greater good. He often has problems trusting others, preferring to rely on his own judgement when the chips are down.

While a hard and unwavering man, he nonetheless has an aura of warmth and calm leadership. He greatly values decisiveness and loyalty, and values the hard work of others. He is based on the Tin Man from The Wizard of Oz.

Voice: James is a strict but approachable man, with a deep voice that is authoritative but not forceful unless he needs to be, able to be commanding but also gentle and kind, especially with the students.

  • "General James Ironwood. It's good to meet you all for the first time." *short laugh* "Without the gunfire and explosions."

    [warm and friendly, greeting and commending the students]

    "You've done well, all of you. You stepped up to the plate, and fought bravely. Such values are what keeps us alive - they keep us united."

  • [making a formal report to the Headmaster]

    "Of course. The skies eastward are clear, but my men have reports of high Grimm activity up ahead."

    [points to a map]

    "I suggest a detour around the mountains... here. We'll lose half a day, but the fleet can spread out and cover the City's blind spots far better."

  • .[commanding, authoritative, leading a counter-offensive against the enemy]

    "Evacuate the students, now! Those of you who wish to fight, with me to the bridge! We cannot let them advance and breach into the city!"

Achilles Reel
RWBY: REMNANTS Casting Wave 3 || Looking for VAs, Musicians and Artist!

Good sir that is some mighty fine shouting. Perfect amount of emotion and shoutyness.


Great performance all around, thanks! Loved the shouting section. I will point out that the American accent is abit too strong for this character - it leans too much into a "US Air Force General" vibe, if that makes sense, which is not quite the direction we intend for this character.

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