The Someguy Series Remaster - A Project for Fallout: New Vegas [Round 3]
Joseph David Spence for John Calhoun

- John Calhoun is a slaver living in Canyon Cove in 2281.
- John Calhoun is one the chief slavers for the Legion. He has been selling slaves/chattel for years. If one has bought a slave in Arizona, there's a good chance they have his brand. He is a target of opportunity whom the player can eliminate in one of the main story missions in the mod.
- John Calhoun is a ruthless man who is feared by many people - especially his slaves. The only people he truly cares about is his family. However, he is getting old in his age and has developed certain medical conditions - most notably a mild loss of hearing. Due to not having any means of assisting with his condition, he cannot hear very well in conversation.
- He's 60-75 years old.
- North American accent. No exceptions.
- He should sound old and delerious. He should sound like that annoying grandpa. Your stereotypical "Old Man Smithers" voice, basically.
[Person walks into your house][You don't recognize them]
(Suspicious) I don't recognize you. (Scolding) If you're here about property, you need to speak with James, down at the auction house.
[Person says, “There's a price on your head, Calhoun. I'm here to collect."][However, you cannot hear them that well and misinterpret what they just said]
(Confused)(Puts hand near ear)(Old man shout) What? Rice on the shed? I can't understand you.
[Person says, “I said I am going to kill you!"][Still, you misinterpret what they say as you're hearing is not that good]
(Puts hand near ear)(Old man shout) Phil Yute? (Laughs)(Reminiscing) Oh, he died back in 68', year of the drought. You should have seen it.
[Person then says, “I'm gonna cut out your heart and mail it to Lanius, then I'll piss on your grave and...”][However, you cut them off and interject with another confused response]
(Confused)(Mildly annoyed tone) What are you so upset about? You need to learn to speak up, Enunciate - {beat}{emphasis}project! (Verb tense){pruh-jekt}
[Person whispers into your ears and says, “I'm gonna bleed you slow, old man. Payback from the NCR.”][Still, you misinterpret what they say due to your hearing loss]
(Flustered) (Unable to hear) I can feed myself, thank you very much. I'm old, but not helpless![Person says. "Nice family you got here."][You crack a smile and respond]
*Happy sigh* Nothing more rewarding than watching your grandchildren grow up. Do you have any kids, stranger?
[Person says they do have a family][You're glad to hear it]
Good to hear. They're such a blessing.
So, what can I do for you?
[Person says they're gonna leave now][You say goodbye to them using a Legion term for said purpose]
{WAH-lay-->} Vale, traveler![This individual has become enraged by your lack of hearing][They say, “MURDER, DEATH, KILL!” and speeds towards your direction]
(Scared)(Skin turns pale)(Eyes widen) MARY!!! {Referring to Mary, the mother of Jesus}
[Persons knocks over a table blocking them from you][They pick you up from the chair you're sitting on and strangles you][The lights are darkening before you as you gasp for air]
(Gasping for air)(Yelping) MY NECK!!!