The Demon Lord Wants My Heart?!? Visual Novel VA Casting Call
Richard Gibson for Dionysus
Dionysus is the flamboyant cheshire cat owner of the biggest winery in demon territory. An advocate for all things flashy, fashionable, and flavourful, he's certainly on the more extravagant side of life but embraces every inch of it. Not a fan of people mumbling or being shy/closed off as it ruins his vision on how to aid those types of people, Dionysus is that one extrovert friend that pushes the introverts out and gives them a chance to be free. He sees himself as mystical guide, helping those that are still in their shell break out into their true selves(Albeit he does love messing with people and giving them riddles to solve rather than straight answers at times)
Though he sees himself as nothing but male, he doesn't mind prettying himself up and sometimes downright showing up any girls by putting on a dress of his own and a matching wig of sorts. Dionysus believes that clothes should not be limited to who can wear them based on the content's of one's pants or lack there of. To be gorgeous is a right all demons and humans should have. Dionysus also considers beer to be lesser than wine by a fair margin.
For voice, think the energy of Edna Mode from The Incredibles mixed with the chill and charming voice of Hawks from My Hero Academia
As with the prior roles, this VN will be using mainly phrases, sound effects, and reactions for it's voice lines rather than fully voiced dialogue. Because of this, the estimated word count should be below 3 digits. I do not know what the average pricing should be for such jobs so I'm open to hearing offers. The general length on average to the voice lines should be similar to the 1st and 2nd audition line. Since this is a minor role, the amount of voice clips will be lesser than the other characters.
Though I may raise Dionysus to a supporting role at some point.
(Pleased) Ah yes! Exquisite~
(Confident and a bit smug) I look good in ANYTHING, darling~
[Someone brought up beer in a conversation](Disgusted) Ugh, I'd rather not drink wheat juice.