RWBY: REMNANTS Casting Wave 3 || Looking for VAs, Musicians and Artist!

ASullyVoice for Bartholomew Oobleck

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Bartholomew Oobleck
Role assigned to: Rhys Drakins / Rhysins

Reference Images[1] 

Voice Reference: [1] - [2] - [3]

Description: Dr. Bartholomew Oobleck [bar-thoe-loe-myew oo-bleh-ck] is a prestigious if eccentric professor at Beacon Academy, and is well-learned in many fields of study such as history and geography. Despite his absentmindedness and wild tangents, he has a burning passion for knowledge and education.

Voice: Oobleck is very animated and expressive, and talks at a very quick pace, as if he's constantly juiced up on coffee. It is important that the VA is able to speak rapid-fire dialogue in a clear and hurried manner while remaining legible. He has a sharp voice, with a sort of "eccentric mad scientist" personality. He can have any accent, but Scottish or English is preferred.

  • [introducing himself. Taking pride in his accomplishments, with an intellectual aura.]

    "Bartholomew Oobleck. No, that's DOCTOR Bartholomew Oobleck. I didn't acquire my doctorates in Archaeology, Ancient History and Grimm Studies just for fun and games!"

  • [commending a student on a mission well done.]

    "You've prevented disaster yet again, Miss Rose. Well done."

    [reprimanding in an animated manner, firm but not angry]

    "HOWEVER. Had everyone here acted the way you did, we would not be celebrating here today!  Do make sure that such acts of cocksure fancy are relegated to the realm of exception, not the rule!"

  • [talking to his student, serious but encouraging]

    "As Hunters, we are given the honour to live in this city in the sky. But it's not all fancy dinners and warm baths, no - this station you hold is a privilege, young Ruby Rose. Granted this opportunity few would even dream of, you must use it to give back to the world that lifted you up to reach it."

RWBY: REMNANTS Casting Wave 3 || Looking for VAs, Musicians and Artist!

Great performance, thanks! I think slowing down abit is fine, it would make the overall performance easier to understand without sacrificing that fast vibe.


    I'd be happy to submit a second audition slowing down! I figured I'd start with a breakneck speed mostly as a personal challenge to see how fast I could do it. I'll submit another if I get an opportunity before the deadline that is at a more comprehensible pace.

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