Session 4
Joseph David Spence for Role
Full details of homework is on Closing Credits

Great energy, I really love how it combines with your slow and steady pacing. Articulation was good, there were only a couple of times where I thought it could have had a bit more focus. Make sure to practice those words you are unfamiliar with, you mispronounced "Rhuddlan" rhud-d-lan. There were times when you stopped mid-way good job keeping that energy all the way through. Overall, fantastic job, I think it's great how you ended with a question keep it up!

Loved the energy. I like the factual tone too, it really helps to understand this kind of script (especially with its R tongue twister). "The plan was a success!" I loved that part. The energy changed from that point and as a listener I really liked that :)

great energy, pacing and diction. well done.