Session 3
Scott Burke for Role
Full details of homework is on Closing Credits

I really like the energy! However, it does feel a bit stale at times and a bit fake, I want you to think deeply and put yourself in Freaky Freddie's shoes! You're an MC, you're doing play-by-play, let that read ooze your charisma. Don't let yourself sound like just reading words on paper. Pacing was also good, and I didn't feel like you were rushing anything at all. Still good job!

I was just trying to get it done after 15 takes, I probably lost some energy and I tried to focus on the problems I had last time, which was a little slurring and mispronounced a few words. thanks for the tips appreciate it. Just have to work more in the complete package.

Your doing fine and hey never try to force it! If you can't get it after like the 10th try or something like that go relax and comeback. frustration or lack of energy are easy to pick up in reads like this. Your still doing wonderful so hold your head up high.

A news broadcast! Now it just needs some special sound effects and you're all set!