The Heir of Time: Pilot
Joseph David Spence for Zac

$25 casting payment. Payment for future episodes/seasons will be discussed later in production.
Character Backstory:
Years after a devastating war left the galaxy in shambles, Zac, a rookie soldier for the Xalgorian Military is stationed within the Frontier Star System to monitor any signs of hostility from the Elven military. Unbeknownst to him, other factions plot and scheme behind the scenes, awaiting the return of war. One day, Zac may need to decide whether his loyalties lie with his species or his friends. For now, though, he'd be happy just for something interesting to break up the monotony of his daily routine. Be careful what you wish for.
Zac is the everyman, generally striving to do good where he can to support his species. Where Sel is more confident on the battlefield than off, Zac prefers to stay away from gunfights as much as possible, and may just cut and run if he feels he's in over his head. However, what he lacks in courage he makes up for in creative problem-solving and general charisma.
General Disclaimer:
- Due to the difficulty of recreating facial animations in Blender, we will need a face capture performance in addition to your voice performance for this character. We understand that this could be a sensitive area for some voice actors, and we give our assurances that any facial capture recorded for "The Heir of Time" will be seen only by our animators. The Just Just Productions team immensely values your privacy, online safety, and comfortability. Facial capture is not required for the audition.
- "The Heir of Time" is a long-term project that will require various sessions over multiple years.
- Collaboration is a huge part of Just Just Productions, and we value the insight of our cast and crew. If you'd like to improvise any extra dialogue in addition to the given lines, we'd love to hear them!
- This role is to be closed on March 12th, any auditions after this period will be discounted.
Thank you for auditioning, we look forward to hearing your performance and are very passionate about the future of this project!
[Attempting to flee.]
"We need to get out of here. Right. NOW!"
"You want to fight them? Are you crazy or suicidal!? Actually, don't answer that."
[Attempting to avoid conflict.]
"C'mon fellas, it's just a couple of weapons, nothing worth dying over. We can all walk out of here alive and, preferably, at a minimum ten-mile distance from one another, huh?"
"Woah, alright take it easy. We don't want any trouble. We'll get out of your hair, which looks great by the way and we'll call it a wrap on the pirate standoff. Sound good?"
"No. We've been running from these guys for weeks. I think it's time to take a stand, see if we can't get ourselves in any more trouble."
"No one else dies here today. We move fast, stay clear from the line of sight, and hit them where it hurts. Got it? Good. Then let's do something we're going to regret."