My Amazing Woman, S01E06 and S02E01
KnowingWhatYouDont for Claire Givens, program chair
She's introducing one of the regular characters at a formal function and so has that sort of sound in the first two lines here. By the third, she and the audience have been attacked (but rescued by the heroes) and so she's become a bit more human and real by the third line.
Hello, everyone. I’m Claire Givens, president of our chapter of the Girls’ Achievement League. Every year, the young ladies of our program choose a woman to honor with the title of Adult Girl of the Year. And this year, the girls have chosen a superhero whom I am sure you have seen a lot of. (beat) Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce to you the recipient of this year’s Annabelle Huntington-Wentworth Adult Girl of the Year award: Red Light!
If you would say a few words.
Well, with friends like that, you don’t need enemies.