[CLOSED] Ceragon Dubs: Multiple Otome Fandubs
TiffssVA for Monika

The character is from Doki Doki Literature Club.
**Monika is from the game Doki Doki Literature Club. This fandub will be very short and small, since we will only be doing the prologue. Monika has about 50 lines.
Monika is smart, confident, and athletic. She is not as talkative as the other girls. She always has a calm, gentle expression and is mature and hard-working. Monika can be very friendly, considerate, and nice. She always thinks about other people and isn't afraid to display concern for them. She is supposed to be a role model to the other characters, and is seen as the popular girl that everyone can get along with. She should not be energetic, because Sayori is supposed to be the one that is the most energetic out of all the girls.
Voice: Medium pitched, friendly. Also open to other interpretations as long as it remains in the desired pitch!
(Curious) So, what made you want to join the Literature Club?
It's great to meet you again, MC!
**MC is pronounced M + C. Not like "Mc" from "McDonalds"