Tall Tavern Tales (a Youtube D&D Animatic Series!)
Winn Manning for Writer (main character)

When you audition, please follow us IG/Twitter to stay up to date on the project and see some of the artwork!
twitter: @talltaverntales
The writer has traveled far to find our heroes. He wants to record their adventures but secretly dreams to be a hero himself. He is intelligent but frail. Thinks of himself as a coward but has a heart of gold. Our typical loveable nerd.
(Serious narration)
''A dark force threatens the land. A city in grave danger. Its citizens desperate for salvation. Who will stand against the coming darkness? Who will free the land of this vile corruption?''
(overjoyed and proud of his own good writing)
'' But with hope, courage, and the power of friendship, they can overcome any obstacle, and save the day! That is how I wanted to start the story, guys!....Guys?''
(Being affraid but trying to convince himself by talking to himself)
''Come on you can do it! Oooh but it's so high up. Stop your whining. They need you now! This is your chance to be the hero for once!.''
(screaming a nerdy battle roar) ''Whaaaaaaa''