Michael Suggs for Trainee Guard (Chris)
Voice Actor
Trainee Guard (Chris)
Role assigned to:
Michael Suggs
Chris gets a romatic relationship with the Main character. Soft, kind, but wants to do stuff right.
Chris enters from right
Chris: Hey! Stop It!
Prisoners run away, Chris is alone with Main.Chris: Hey, you okay?
Chris offers a hand to Cactus.
Main (grunts out): Yeah. Th-Thanks.
Enter Prison Guard
Prison Guard: Hey Chris what you doing?!
Chris: Nothing, they were just beating her up. I-I just stopped the fight
Prison Guard looks at Main
Prison Guard: Hey isn’t she meant to be on floor duty?Chris: Yea-Yeah, I think so.
Prison Guard: Tell her off then.
Chris: G-et GET TO WORK.
Chris and Prison Guard walks out.

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