DragonExMachinaOCT Intro Animation
Faux Synder for Zephyr

Zephyr is a messenger samurai of the west wind-- or was. They are now the Host for The Dragon Ex Machina Tournament. They are calm, wise, and always upbeat. Most would consider them to be incredibly graceful and elegant, as if they can walk on the breeze itself. Funnily enough, they can; able to control wind magic. Zephyr also has a Bond with a small dragon named Tempest that loves to sit on their shoulders. They seem to be able to speak telepathically with one another, but Zephyr only laughs gently if anyone ever questions it. Very friendly and approachable, they never seem riled or uncollected. Even so, they are still a warrior and will try to stamp out evil when necessary.
- english
[calm, wise, elegantly retelling of an ancient folklore]
There is a legend of eons past that tells of an ancient apocalyptic dragon who roamed the world. Its name… was Leviathan. It's said that it had the magical power to do anything; control the weather, summon the power of the planet itself, fly into the cosmos, resurrect the dead… However, its great size and hunger created a threat to all others’ survival. The peoples of long past tried everything to halt the beast… but found there simply was no way to stop it. Just when all hope was lost, a heroic duo, an agon [AYE-gone] named Rienzi [ree-EN-zee] and a dragon named Adriano [ah-dree-ON-no], with great strength of Bond, came forth and took on the ancient beast. After a herculean battle, the duo managed to subdue the dragon and send it into an eternal sleep. Before the ancient monster slumbered, two scales fell from beneath its eyes like tear drops. These two scales transformed in the hands of the Bonded duo, turning into two artifacts that, once combined, could repress the Leviathan should it ever rise again. As their final deed that fortuitous day, the Bonded duo sealed one of the artifacts inside a massive sphere of bond magic, The Sphaera [SFAIR-rah]. The other artifact was carried on the winds by birds and drakes alike, hiding it away from any who might plot to use the artifacts to control the dragon rather than pacify it. From that day forth, the world flourished and societies grew…
[warm, a genuine smile in the voice, announcing]
It's time once again to prove your strength of Bond! Who will be our next champions? Welcome one and all to The Dragon Ex Machina Tournament!
[serious, the situation is dire, trying to remain calm under the pressure, the winds are whipping and the magical storm is approaching fast]
We cannot sit here and hope for salvation! That storm will destroy the city if we don't act now. Beast, gather as many competitors as you can! Tempest and I will seek out the source of the magic!