• Foolish Exposure • Gacha Club Animated Series •
Daniela Aranaga for • Mingxia Hua | Character •

Voice Actor
• Mingxia Hua | Character •
Role assigned to:
Character Description
An eleven-year-old girl, Likes to call anyone ‘Mister’ regardless of the person’s gender, actually, the only one she doesn’t call mister is Aiko. She always acts like she is in danger, you can never look at her without seeing a bruise. She was always instructed to always stay away from clocks during midnight by her parents to ensure her safety.
Pronouns: She\Her
Voice range: A soft-quiet, high, pitched voice
{ Nagging Suzuki's sweater | Calm } Hey Mister- Are you okay?
{ Apologizing } I'm sorry, I'll do better next time.

Updated Discord: elle.aranaga #7450
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