Artificial Faults
Ethanr1222 for Colonel Duncan

The characteristics and details of this role are present in a Twitter thread also detailing this casting call;
These audition lines will be direct excerpts from the script of the second season for the Artificial Faults series. Only the lines from the listed character being auditioned are required for recording;
Description: The introductory scene for Duncan in the second season, in which he presents the first objective for the main cast of the series after no contact for an extended period of time. Spartan Adeline, a new role in the series, presents him after discussing with the characters for a period.
Adeline:”Right, I got off track. You guys have had near no activity in six months, and that’s because Colonel Duncan and the ONI group who handles your team, well.. not really having tasks to give you. Today, things are going to be mixed up a bit.”
The communications array in the room activates, and a line is patched through. A profile of sorts appears on the bright screen, with a silhouetted figure appearing as an image. A contact name lights up next to it, “Col. Duncan”.
A familiar voice is connected:”Hello, Spartans.”
Rai sighs:”Shit. How’s it going, Duncan?”
Duncan:”Well, all things considered. I’m assuming you’ve brought them up to speed, Adeline?”
Adeline:”Yes, about everything you informed me of, sir.”
Duncan:”Good. Fireteam Last Resort, I’m going to cut to the chase; it’s time to get you back out there.”
Halbert:”Whoop dee doo.”
Duncan:”In the time since the Professional was dealt with, nothing which would incur a covert ops unit’s response has occurred. Due to your top secret nature, there was also nothing of smaller importance for you to be accomplishing. The ONI agents aren’t too keen with such long periods of inactivity, so you’re going to be given a mission.”
Valencia:”And what would that be, sir?”
Duncan:”The five of you are going to patrol predetermined areas and report back findings. The Professional had his whole operation under our nose. Right here, on Earth. We cannot allow something like that to happen again.”
Rai:”And if we do find something?”
Duncan:”You are to report back to base. Do not engage whatsoever, regardless of what is found.”
Valencia:”Affirmative, sir.”
Halbert:”Nice, so we’re just bloodhounds now. That’s what this ‘covert ops’ fireteam ended up as.”
Duncan:”I cannot stress enough how critical it is that you do not engage on any findings, we all know how that ended up last time.You are soldiers who follow orders, not playing hero out there.”
Halbert:”With all due respect, sir, aren’t those supposed to be the same thing?”
Duncan:”Not in your team’s case.”
Rai:”Yeah. I get the picture.”
Chris:”When does this assignment begin?”
Adeline:”Right now, actually!”
Duncan:”Adeline is correct. ONI has concluded that it would be best that you are deployed into active duty as soon as possible.”
Duncan:”That is all I needed to deliver to bring you up to speed. And commander?”
Duncan:”Adeline will be taking over as the primary communicator between me and your team.”
Rai, sarcastically:”Oh man, I’m already missing our riveting conversations.”
Duncan:”Remember, this team, composed of these four human Spartans and a Sangheili Elite, are covert ops strictly. Under no circumstances should you make a known public appearance.”
Valencia:”Will that be all, Colonel?”
Duncan:”One last note; You Spartans are supposed to represent humanity’s best, we’ll see if you can still live up to that. And I would only hope you’re learning to cooperate with them after your time here so far, Cyro ‘Hazam.”
Duncan:”Good luck, Last Resort. And good hunting.”
Description: Later in the season, when Spartan Adeline and Colonel Duncan are recapping the events that have unfolded thus far, allowing Duncan to voice his grievances.
Adeline chuckles:”I’m sure they can handle it, sir.”
Duncan, sternly:”I’m not. There’s been something… off about Last Resort since their recovery and redeployment six months ago. Something that prevents them from behaving like normal Spartans. I don’t know what it is yet, but I believe that to be the cause of their extended cryosleep, and the cause of their mistakes. I don’t know how much you’ve read into their files, Adeline, but these are not the kind of Spartans you and I have come to know. And don’t even get me started on the Elite, that’s a whole different deal.”
Adeline pauses:”I see.”
She shifts to the center of the room, away from her computer.
Adeline:”Permission to speak freely, sir?”
Duncan:”Permission granted.”
Adeline:”You speak about them like they’re just broken machines, but… they’re so much more than that, Colonel. They’re people too. And just like people do, they’ll adapt to the situation. I know they will. I just know how excited they’ll be to come back here and report on all they’ve learned about the Insurrectionists in their time there.”
Duncan snickers:”Excited. Sure.”
Adeline:”Well, yeah. You’re friends with them, aren’t you?”
Duncan:”Adeline, I relay orders sent to me by ONI to Fireteam Last Resort. Personal endeavors such as what you’re giving an example of aren’t even on my radar, and I recommend the same for you.”
Adeline:”Well, I act friendly to them because I think they deserve it. Don’t you feel anything for them? I mean, up until I showed up, you’ve been, well, the only outside contact they ever really get. It’s not like the general public even knows about them.”
Duncan remains silent.
Duncan:”That will be all, Adeline. Remain here and stay on top of any future contact the Fireteam attempts to make.”
Adeline, slightly disappointed:”Affirmative, sir.”
She turns around, and begins to walk away.
Duncan:”Actually, Adeline?”
Adeline turns around:”Yes?”
Duncan:”You mentioned Spartan 0-76 has been the one establishing contact with you. What about the rest of the team?”
Adeline:”Well, there’s a lot of intel to deduce in the short span of time Valencia and I get to speak, I haven’t gotten the chance. I briefly spoke to Halbert, Frida, and Cyro ‘Hazam- or Chris, as they call him- the first time Valencia established contact. Their condition, for the moment, is stable.”
Duncan:”And no word from 0-77? Not surprising on that end, I suppose.”
Adeline:”The commander? That’s a good point, I haven’t heard about anything he’s doing or what he’s been up to...”
Duncan sighs:”Keep me posted on his activity as well. Who knows what Rai has been up to…”