Zero Angel's War of the Ages: The Throne of Ao (Seeking Supporting and Minor Roles)
Richard Gibson for Prince Gredoir
(Go for eastern European accent)
“The acting leader of the giants around the Throne of Ao, Gredoir is a spectacular wrestler and politician.
[Towering over the MC by a whole 10 feet.]
“Why do you challenge us, little one? Do you have a death wish?”[Dismissive]
“The culling?! It affects more than just your kind, small one. All creatures of hume stock can come down with it. Even one with our royal blood. But there is no cure.”[In response to the MC asking why Gredoir has faith in him.]
“Look to your friends and ask them the same question. It amazes us that you four have traveled so far from your homes in search of the Panacea. Even amongst our people, the Panacea is rarely believed, but we have come to the same conclusion as you: it has to exist. Our father has become king of the giants because he was willing to take chances where others would stick to tradition. Now it is our turn to believe. "