The Music Freaks - Episode 9+ (Animated Series)
Luke Avon for Max
Musician & Student. He's cheerful and friendly, and puts his all into everything he enjoys. He's full of ambition, but it can cause him to be greedy & impatient. He will often have rapid mood swings that can get extreme in whatever he's feeling, so I need a VA that can convey strong emotions well.
- 16-17 years old.
- Any accent is welcome!
Note: Icon is a placeholder and limited information about the character is given to avoid spoiling my audience.
(Worked up, determined) Just picture it, global domination! They'll be screaming our names! And all those suckers at school will eat their words. We'll show them, just you wait!
Chill out, would ya? It's just a small loan of... a million dollars. I'll pay it back! Promise!
(Enraged) What are you talking about?! You can't do this to me! I practically made you who you are! If you walk away... You'll regret it!!