The Sojourn Volume Three
paulw for Captain Omar Maalsuwda
A compassionate, bold, and wise mentor figure with a bit of a wry attitude that never overshadows the seriousness of the situation, though he’s afraid he’s in over his head. Maalsuwda has a lot of strength and charm that makes him seem younger than he is.
(During battle) Negative! Disengeidji-chacho rata shūro mi-inchu-hedīn!
Transl. (Disengage and return to your original heading!)
Audio Reference:
Note: disregard the word “hoi” in the audio recording.
(Tired, wry) A leader's work is never done, especially when he needs some rack time. Come in.
(Reminiscing, tender) My squadmate insisted we couldn't wait out the Centrans who held the depot, sitting comfy in their bunker with months worth of supplies. She wanted to attack. The mounted gun they had convinced me to stay dug in.