The Music Freaks - Episode 9+ (Animated Series)
Dehiro(Devin) for Max
Musician & Student. He's cheerful and friendly, and puts his all into everything he enjoys. He's full of ambition, but it can cause him to be greedy & impatient. He will often have rapid mood swings that can get extreme in whatever he's feeling, so I need a VA that can convey strong emotions well.
- 16-17 years old.
- Any accent is welcome!
Note: Icon is a placeholder and limited information about the character is given to avoid spoiling my audience.
(Worked up, determined) Just picture it, global domination! They'll be screaming our names! And all those suckers at school will eat their words. We'll show them, just you wait!
Chill out, would ya? It's just a small loan of... a million dollars. I'll pay it back! Promise!
(Enraged) What are you talking about?! You can't do this to me! I practically made you who you are! If you walk away... You'll regret it!!
After listening to this, I have to say that it sounds way too read-y. It doesn't feel like you sat down and took the time to consider the character, who they are and why they say what they say and do what they do. It sounds like instead of performing the character, you're just speaking what you see on the script. It's not "terrible" or anything, but the lack of commitment really comes through.
Eh for me I took its more of trying to treat max more as a person than a character, could i have gone more into it? sure. But i also did not want to go over the top and make it seem like a stereotypical anime character or something like that, which maybe they do want over the top for this character. For me i took max as someone who is pretty cool headed but passionate almost like a business man. I mean if you are a greedy individual who wants people to work with you and give you the resources to succeed, i feel like you need that kinda business mentality, but they are young so they arent the smoothest with it? I tried with line 1 and 2 to display that in a way of how those kinda of people usually will display like. Line 3 i could have gone a bit more angry definitly. I tried for more the words to have the bite over the tone to keep the consistency of how i displayed the character. Although i disagree i can see where you are coming from, thank you for looking at it and giving feedback! ill keep it in mind. I dont know if you also auditioned or something but good luck!
I see what you mean, it's just that the "regular person" kind of read just feels out of place for someone who has "rapid mood swings" and displays "extreme" emotions. Not bad, just a little jarring. And, just to be clear, I only say this because from what I'm hearing, I think you can portray those "extreme emotions", and I think it would be benificial. That said though, I'm only human, feel free to disagree, that's just my two cents.
I appreciate you think i can do that, yeah maybe in line 3 i should have displayed that more, could have done something like that situation bringing him to a breaking point kind of thing and that wouldve been sick, i think i was again just worried of going over the top. But im also still pretty new to this so maybe i just need to kinda "let it rip" a little more on those kinds of takes. again i do heavily appreciate you taking the time to look into my take, super helpful!